Sentinels: Discerning New LIfe

Diocese of Wellington & Theology House, Christchurch
Theology House
$5 per book

This study is a collaboration between Theology House in Christchurch and Anglican Movement (Diocese of Wellington), and wherever you are, we pray that this year you will experience the transforming work of God in your life and community and that together, we will become signposts for God’s hope and love.

Further Information

“What’s a sentinel?” we hear some of you ask. In Scripture, we read of sentinels as people stationed on a wall or tower, keeping watch for approaching danger – either over towns, or over fields or vineyards. The prophets of the Old Testament sometimes described themselves as sentinels; listening for the will of God and speaking that out – in warning or encouragement – to God’s people.

A sentinel’s task is two-fold: there is firstly that practice of watching and noticing. But the watch is no good unless the observations are acted on or passed on. A sentinel is therefore
someone with immense courage: a keen observer who can spot opportunity and risk, and work with others to bring transformation.

Who are these miracle people? Through the grace of God in Jesus Christ and in the power of the Spirit, they are us! This Lent, it is our prayer that this study will take you and those in your small groups through a journey.

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