Prayers for Southern People
Joy Kingsbury-Aitken

Title: Prayers for Southern People
Author: Joy Kingsbury-Aitken
Lay preachers, clergy and worship leaders, are you looking for new prayers and liturgy to refresh your worship and engage your congregations? Do you want worship-tested liturgy that honours southern hemisphere seasons? Does your congregation enjoy responsive prayers? Then this extensive collection of new material by a longstanding New Zealand Lay Preacher is just what you need. Many types of liturgy are included: – Opening / Gathering – Candle lighting – Praise / Thanksgiving – Intercession – Confession – Illumination – Offering dedication – Blessing – Commissioning – Meditation.
The 326 entries are divided into three parts: 1. The Liturgical Year 2. The Season of Creation 3. Social Themes. To help you easily find the best liturgy for your next service, the book includes a comprehensive Table of Contents and a full Scripture Index. Many of the entries are suitable for devotions at the start of church meetings. Readers will also find plenty of stimulating material to support their personal devotions.
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