Between God and a Hard Place
Michael Corboy

Title: Between God and a Hard Place
Author: Michael Corboy
Library Number #: BV 2500 COR
A Re-examination of the Church Missionary Society Evangelisation of Māori 1814-40
With a title like that you can guess what you will get—a thoroughly detailed, fastidiously researched, rigorous narrative of the early CMS missionaries and how they engaged with Māori communities in the early days of New Zealand settlement, before politics and the colonial machine took over.
Samuel Marsden, the Bay of Islands, Rev’d Kendal and his Māori partner, Hone Heke, Rāwiri Taiwhanga, Henry Williams, translating the scriptures, Māori mission partners and more. We all know something of the history of that time, but we don’t know it like Corboy tells it.
Professor Peter Lineham of Massey University said this book, “should have been written many years ago,” while Bishop George Connor (retired) of Dunedin believes that it “just tells the truth.”
ISBN 978-0-473-59604-0
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