Theology House’s full catalogue is searchable from here. The links below will take you directly to the catalogue using an external page.
Search our catalogue using Anglicat
A note about our new catalogue search
You will notice that our catalogue search looks a little different!
We are now included in the Anglicat database which is the network of Anglican libraries in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia, and is administered by the team at Kinder Library in Auckland.
When you search, for simplicity choose a Title or Author search if you can. You can use the advanced search features to limit your search to ‘Theology House’ as the branch – by default the search is across all the libraries.
Instructions to help with searching Anglicat can be found here: http://www.kinderlibrary.ac.nz/anglicat-libraries/using-anglicat/
You are welcome to request items from other libraries in the network, and we will do our best to interloan them for you, but this is not always possible. Please bear with us as we too are learning to use the new catalogue!
What is in the Theology House Library?
Over 6,000 theological books covering systematic theology, Christianity, Biblical scholarship, philosophy, world religions, biographies, New Zealand’s colonial history. In addition, there are useful resources for sermon writing and clergy support. There are a further 1,750+ books that are owned by the Theology House library that are housed in the library at Laidlaw College Christchurch.
What is in the Anglican Resource Centre?
This is a collection of ministry resources, especially geared for ministry to children, youth and families. There are also resources for home study groups, personal spiritual growth, family service planners and small study group resources. The resources are a mixture of books, VD’s, CD’s kits and study series. A sample of these books are featured on this website.
Our online catalogue contains the entire collections in the Theology House Library alongside Anglican libraries across Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia. Click here to search the catalogue.
I’m not Anglican. Can I use these resources?
Yes. All denominations and non-Christians are welcome to make use of these resources. The name recognises the vision, funding and energy of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Canterbury in establishing and managing these collections.
What are the opening hours?
9.00am-5.00pm Monday to Friday.
When are staff at the library?
Our library staff are part-time. They are generally here Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9am – 2pm. You can check out books anytime with your library card or when you request a card.
What is the loan period?
The loan period is four weeks. Books may be renewed for a further four weeks via the online catalogue. After this, books must be brought back into the library for any further renewal. If a book is requested by another borrower, you will be contacted and asked to return the book within three days. Likewise, if you request a book and someone has it borrowed, please allow that time for it to be returned.
You can easily renew a loan by emailing our Librarian: library@theologyhouse.ac.nz
Do you post books?
Yes, we will post books throughout Aotearoa. We will do our best to assist you.
- Look up the Theology House catalogue here.
- Email the librarian to request the book(s) by post library@theologyhouse.ac.nz, advising your name, address and phone number.
- We do not currently charge for postage of books shelved at Theology House.
- Please return books by post at your own cost. Please take care that the books are wrapped adequately and can not be damaged in the post.
Do you post books from the Laidlaw College Christchurch library?
- For books shelved at Laidlaw College Christchurch we cannot guarantee the same level of service but will do our best on a book by book basis. For these books, also contact our Librarian at library@theologyhouse.ac.nz.
How do I become a member at the Theology House library?
Membership is free! Use the form below or come in and sign up as a member. A card can be issued immediately or posted to you. If you live out of town use the form below or you can also email the librarian library@theologyhouse.ac.nz
Can I use my Theology House Library card at Laidlaw College?
Yes! These books cover mostly church history, biblical studies and systematic theology.
Link to LAIDLAW COLLEGE Christchurch library and catalogue HERE.
library@theologyhouse.ac.nz with your request, your postal details, and your contact phone number.
Can I use by Laidlaw College library card at Theology House and the Anglican Resource Centre?
We will issue you with a free membership card.
First time library users.
If you would like personal guidance from a member of our (part-time) staff, please ring and make a time to suit you. Ph 341 3399 or email library@theologyhouse.ac.nz
Returning Books.
You can return books either by post to PO Box 26, Christchurch, 8140 or drop them into the reception or library at Cardale House, 95 Tuam St, Christchurch 8011.