Family Faith Journal 2025

Emma Tovey and Gareth Bezett
$5 each or $4 for orders of 10 or more plus post and packaging.

The Family faith Journal for 2025 is here! We have been very grateful for the positive reception of our first Family Faith Journal. We hope this little book will be a blessing to your whanau. For each Sunday and other important feast days, there is a page for you to explore together. We’ve chosen the readings from the Revised Common Lectionary which many churches around the world use week by week for the scriptures read in their worship. Many times, we’ve chosen the Gospel reading for the day, but not always. We suggest you start by reading these from whatever version of the Bible you have in your home. We’ve provided a set of questions which are intended to be a prompt to conversation. The idea is not that the adults have all the answers, the idea is to model talking about matters of faith. It’s perfectly ok to not have one clear answer or any answer at all. You know your whanau best so if a question doesn’t seem like a good one for you, feel free to skip it. As this Family Faith Journal follows the Church Calendar, it picks up the themes of different seasons. For example, during Lent, you will find prompts to repentance and during Advent we look forward to both Christmas and Christ coming again. There is a prayer for each week and an activity which we hope will be life giving.

These are priced at $5 each or $4 each if 10 or more are ordered.

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